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We need you!

As a Champion, you’ll share information about how suicide in men can be prevented. This can be done in so many ways!

Step up and offer your support to a buddy

Learn how to support a buddy who may be struggling by checking out our infographic guide on how to have the conversation.

Learn more about the issue of men and suicide

Men die by suicide 3 times more often than women. Read more about statistics, warning signs, why men are more at risk, and how suicide can be prevented with our resource toolkit.

Take it to your setting and share with others

We need people to help spread the word. Bring this campaign to your workplace, sports team, club, or friend group. Read on to find out how to begin.

What’s the role of a Champion?

The role of a Buddy Up Champion is to support a buddy who may be struggling, to learn about men’s suicide prevention and to encourage others to become involved.

The Buddy Up Guide is a tool for all Champion organizations to plan their participation in Buddy Up throughout the year. The guide is accompanied by a worksheet, the Buddy Up Plan.

Here are some ideas of how you can Champion Buddy Up:

1 Participate

Participate in the Challenge

The Buddy up challenge happens year-round with eight activities you can do anytime and one week-long activity every quarter. Want to get involved?

2 Promote

Post on Social

We have sample posts to share on your social media, or you can come up with your own message of support! We also have some images you can include with your post, sized for Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Put Up Posters

Put up posters around your group; we recommend placing posters in high-traffic areas like washrooms, lunchrooms, or elevators. Download the posters here, or request swag to order hard copies.

Use a Buddy Up background

Promote the campaign by downloading the Buddy Up digital background to use on Zoom, Teams, or other virtual meeting platform.

Add us to your email signature

Add a Buddy Up badge to your email signature to let people know you support the campaign and to spread the word!

Send an email

Recruit other people and organizations to join the campaign and educate people about the issue of men’s suicide by sending an email or writing a letter.

Stick on a sticker

Request free Buddy Up swag after you’ve signed up to become a Champion and we’ll send you Buddy Up stickers that can spark a conversation.

3 Learn

Watch the Webinar

Check out the Buddy Up webinar to learn more about this initiative and hear about how it can be brought into organizations.

Host an Education Session

Contact Seth McVeity to book an education session for your group, or make men’s suicide prevention and the topic of a meeting or safety meeting in your group, using the Preventing suicide in men toolkit as a discussion or content guide.

Buddy Up Skills Training

Level up your Buddy Up campaign by building a caring culture in your organization. Learn to skillfully respond to others who are struggling with their mental health or may be considering suicide. Contact Seth McVeity to learn more.

Book a workshop

Equip yourself to respond to a person considering suicide by booking a virtual or in-person Centre for Suicide Prevention workshop for your group, or, by attending a community workshop.

Read the toolkit

Learn more about the issue of men and suicide with our toolkit, where you’ll learn about statistics, warning signs, why men are more at risk, and how suicide can be prevented. You’ll also learn how to have a conversation with someone you’re worried about.

4 Support

Make a Donation

Centre for Suicide Prevention is a non-profit education centre. For 40 years, we’ve been equipping Canadians with the information, knowledge and skills necessary to respond to people at risk of suicide.

Help sponsor activities

Looking for ways to give back to the community? Sponsor Buddy Up, Centre for Suicide Prevention’s Run for Life event, or contact us for more sponsorship opportunities.

Make it Official

Sign up as a Buddy Up Champion, and we’ll provide you with tools that help you get the word out!

You’re in good company

Here are some organizations who have Championed Buddy Up. And the list keeps growing!